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Pam - 04-13-2010

They listing my social security number even though it was right I told him it was not mine called him a few choice names and told him I was calling the FBI and then hung-up; he then called my daughter and preceeded to threaten her saying I defrauded a finance company and she was going to be sued also and wished her good luck as this matter unfolds on us and have a blessed day the real strange thing when I first started getting these call's it started as a Law dept. in Florida and then a Affadavit processsing company in New York and know American Law Divison in California and none of these places will send me this so called information they have the one person said they sent it in a e-mail but I never received that of course the e-mail he listed wasn't even mine!! can you please help me this has been going on since Oct. of 2009 I didn't hear from them again until Jan. of this year the call's had been non-stop up until 2-week's ago when I thought by ignoring them worked and I got rid of them know they are calling again!!! I hope you can help!thank-you

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Chris Matthews
Company: American Law Division
Number: 707-474-3337