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BCN Call Center Inc > New Comment

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Shazbot - 04-11-2009

The legal name and physical address of this company is

BCN Call Center Inc.
5820 E. WT Harris Suite 215
Charlotte NC 28215

Mailing address
7209-J East W.T. Harris Blvd
Suite 121
North Carolina

According to documents filed with the NC Secretary of State ( )
the president of the company is Darren Abrams, Jr.

Known phone numbers for the company:
(866) 545-9413
(704) 780-1700

There may be others, but if you're going to call them, do it on their 866 number. Let them pay for the call.

It has the following websites:

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: BCN Call Center Inc
Number: 866-545-9413