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Lillian - 05-15-2014

They have been calling my cell but I've been out of the country, I live in a high rise building with over 1000 people and a neighbor whom I've never met said that someone called her home and said they had legal papers they needed to deliver to me and wanted to confirm my address (Ian address I've lived at for almost 20 years!!). So now they reach out to people you don't know! I filed a report with the Attorney General's office in New York (a friend in the DA's office told me to do that). I also have a police precent down the block so I also reported the issue there. The FBI has a site where you can log the complaint - The phone number left for me was 877-224-5416. This is a scam for sure but in NYC this kind of stuff won't fly so I welcome the visit....and I'll make sure the police are there. If you have a case in NYC you definitely know the address!

Caller: Bree Keegan