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Cell Phone OH > New Comment

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fed up - 07-29-2015

A call with the ID of Cell Phone OH, was received from a Middle-Eastern male who asked for a family member by name. When I stated they had the wrong number, the man argued that I was not the wrong person. When I said, "Who are you?" He answered with, "Why did you answer the phone." I said, "Because you called here!" The man never stated why he was calling, and proceeded to harass me repeatedly with the statement, "Why did you pick-up the phone, if you are not the member I called for?" At this point, I loudly requested my number be removed from his list, and a few other choice words, and promptly hung up. The number has been blocked. Next time I will just hang up.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Middle-Eastern male
Company: Cell Phone OH
Number: 513-910-8761