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Mona - 03-31-2011

Someone with a foreign accent called. He had my name, ss #, address, email address, place of employment, daughters name, and bank account number. Said I made a pay day loan sometime in 2010 (no specific date) and that the case was going to court in 3 hours. If I did not pay it the junior police would come to my house and pick me up. When I requested a date that the loan was made he kept repeating that the police would pick me up if I didn't take care of this situation immediately. Never did find out how much. I couln't get him to shut up long enough for me to respond to any of his remarks so I finally raised my voice over his and told him when he could give me a date the loan was taken out he could call me back and I would check into it and then said "GOOD BYE" and hung up.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Randy Cross
Company: Central Investigation Litigation
Number: 206-508-1446