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bob - 02-29-2012

Some Arabic sounding individual claiming to be a lawyer. He asked for my name but I refused to give it to him. He claimed that I was involved in some sort of criminal matter.

From what I have seen and read about these types of calls, including ones I have reported to the local police, these individuals are identity theives. They hack into your computers and probably know your bank account numbers. They will claim that you owe money to some creditor. They threaten to have you arrested if you don't pay.

The way these crooks work is that even though they may have your account information, they don't dare try to take money out of your account themselves or they can be traced. But if you cave into their threats and authorize the withdrawl of funds from your account to pay some alleged debt, then they get what they want and you are powerless to stop them. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM.

Even IF you DO owe money to some person or entity, this is a CIVIL matter and NOT a criminal matter. A debt collector CANNOT threaten you with arrest or criminal prosecution; THEY can go to jail for that! I hope that either the FBI finds these SOBs and/or they piss off the wrong person, they get traced, and somebody makes them wish they were never born.

Caller type: Sociopath
Company: Claims to be lawyer
Number: 516-986-3829