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Original Comment

Concerned - 04-27-2012

Found this post from Mad Consumer on another site concerning these folks:

Okay so let me start off by saying these ppl are ridiculous. First off they called my house saying that I was being sued by a bank that I worked with last year and that they wanted to know if I was home so they could deliver a summons. Umm you aren't supposed to tell ppl you r bringing them a summons so that was a red flag (even 80 yr old gma saw that). Then I ask him if there was anyway I could settle and he said let me get them on the phone and ask. So he puts me on hold for 60 secs and comes back with a deal. Seriously? There is no way he did it that quick. I played along and told them I would call back. I called the bank that was supposedly sueing me and she told me that my account was still open and they don't evn sue people like that. So I called christopher house back and he then changed his story to me being sued by cashnet usa. Lol, I told him I didn't believe him and I hung up. To make it short kevin Carlson called me from united arbitration saying he didn't see and "stand down papers" and he was gonna be at my home between six and seven to deliver the summons and if I wasn't home he would leave it on the door. What a joke! That's not receiving a summons therefore it wouldn't be valid. So he never showed up. I called them back Tuesday and he said that he didn't deliver it cause the attorney in the town over from me was gonna deliver it..hmm. another lie. I asked what the name was of the attorney and he gave me a name and street and I googled it and it doesn't exsit..imagine that! I called him back and ask for the number of the attorney and he put me on hold for 30 seconds then came back on and said that he just got off the phone with them and he was instructed not to give it to me. What a lie. Bottom line kevin Carlson and Christopher house can shove it. They r nothing but debt collecters and arbitration firms don't call ppl about summons for court. The point of arbitration is to keep people out of court. Such lies.

Caller: Jennifer Carmichael Rosco Grant
Company: Delaware Arbitration Group