This is a well orchestrated pitch but it's illegal as hell ! First, don't be excited that you might be in trouble. Let's dissect the conversation. She calls from a BLOCKED number. ( RED FLAG # 1 ) Nobody, whether its a court or an attorney's office calling you with proper legal information will call from a blocked number. SECOND. Bill collectors use phony names and almost ALWAYS a generic and one syllabic name like Smith, Brown, Green or Clark. THREE, The Department of Legal Services. Sounds official right ? But its generic. Not the Springfield District Attorneys office, or the Plymouth Court House or the Jones County Sheriff's Office. It doesn't NAME a real location. You know any attorney's office can be a " Department of Legal Services " lol. FOUR. They address you by partial name and part social, That's to make you THINK it's for real. A real legal issue they would address you by full name and never a social number. FIVE. "You must make yourself available between 12pm and 2pm" NO one, nowhere will make an appointment for you to be served with a legal notice. They KNOW you will try to avoid it so they try to surprise you ! SIX. " To answer a complaint filed by a petitioner " WHO ? They dont name the aggrieved party ! Not real. ( and keep this in mind, if it WAS a petition filed by somebody, it would be a CIVIL complaint, NOT criminal so you would NOT be arrested. ) SEVEN. " feel free to contact the petitioner at 844-464-7042 " It's NOT a local number it's a TOLL FREE NUMBER ( ATTENTION: You cannot block your number when calling a toll free number ) they WILL see it ! Toll free numbers actually pay for the call even if you initiate it and by law they are entitled to your number. EIGHT. If it were a legal matter for the courts they would NEVER tell you to talk with the other party., NEVER ! NINE. A stop order ? What's that ? Sounds official but there is no such thing in a civil filing. TEN. If you dont sign for the summons we will contact your employer, Can't not allowed nor would your employer or your HR be made to "witness and/or sign anything, nope. ( Its funny, I dont HAVE an employer or and HR department ) LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a well orchestrated pitch but it's illegal as hell ! First, don't be excited that you might be in trouble. Let's dissect the conversation. She calls from a BLOCKED number. ( RED FLAG # 1 ) Nobody, whether its a court or an attorney's office calling you with proper legal information will call from a blocked number. SECOND. Bill collectors use phony names and almost ALWAYS a generic and one syllabic name like Smith, Brown, Green or Clark. THREE, The Department of Legal Services. Sounds official right ? But its generic. Not the Springfield District Attorneys office, or the Plymouth Court House or the Jones County Sheriff's Office. It doesn't NAME a real location. You know any attorney's office can be a " Department of Legal Services " lol. FOUR. They address you by partial name and part social, That's to make you THINK it's for real. A real legal issue they would address you by full name and never a social number. FIVE. "You must make yourself available between 12pm and 2pm" NO one, nowhere will make an appointment for you to be served with a legal notice. They KNOW you will try to avoid it so they try to surprise you ! SIX. " To answer a complaint filed by a petitioner " WHO ? They dont name the aggrieved party ! Not real. ( and keep this in mind, if it WAS a petition filed by somebody, it would be a CIVIL complaint, NOT criminal so you would NOT be arrested. ) SEVEN. " feel free to contact the petitioner at 844-464-7042 " It's NOT a local number it's a TOLL FREE NUMBER ( ATTENTION: You cannot block your number when calling a toll free number ) they WILL see it ! Toll free numbers actually pay for the call even if you initiate it and by law they are entitled to your number. EIGHT. If it were a legal matter for the courts they would NEVER tell you to talk with the other party., NEVER ! NINE. A stop order ? What's that ? Sounds official but there is no such thing in a civil filing. TEN. If you dont sign for the summons we will contact your employer, Can't not allowed nor would your employer or your HR be made to "witness and/or sign anything, nope. ( Its funny, I dont HAVE an employer or and HR department ) LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Tina Clark
Company: Department of legal services
Number: 844-464-7042