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Frustrated Job Seeker - 05-30-2014

I jumped through all of the hoops that came from the various emails and my phone interview was blown off today. Before the scheduled phone interview today, I was able to call the phone number and leave a message after putting the extension in and it seemed almost legit. I was concerned about the fact that the links to connect on the site don't work properly and he and his company aren't on LinkedIn.

But a scam like this is strange. Besides wasting my time, I didn't lose anything or give anything that wasn't on my resume. It's a lot of work to set up the scheduling site references site, the application and the assessment. The assessment study guide for $19.99 is bunk. I was able to Google most questions and saw there were typos in the body of the test. The position was for a training development specialst but some of the questions came directly from the Project Management Professional (PMP) and CPLP (ASTD's professional cert) certification tests.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Gary Thomas
Company: Andersen Consulting Search Group
Number: 202-602-2031