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OnlySomeQuestions - 03-31-2016

He is illegally selling "breeds" of cats for $300 and scamming people out of money if they fall for it and don't ask the right questions because when I asked if the fee includes vaccinations, microchip, neuter or spay, papered or de-wormed he calls you and leaves a nasty voicemail if you don't pick up, also replied with two more harassment texts and another harassing voicemail in which he called me a stuXXd bXXch
"Yea you texted me with some umm, somthin regarding my kittens, you gonna get exactly what the ad says, none o that crap that you put down, if i said that the kittens are neutered i would spess- I woulda put that in there, they're not papered they're not neutered you get first shots and that's it, if you don't like it you can take a- you can get a kitten somewhere else, ok, so don't text me with your bullsXXt" , "don't text my phone anymore you stXpXd biXXh ha ha ha hah ha" and Text: "Ha ha , are you a little buXXhurt, get a life, get lost you frXXk."

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: goes by J R
Number: 872-237-3935