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RAllen - 09-09-2010

They just called my office and left a message, and then called my cell phone 3 times in a row within 3 minutes. Left a voicemail there. This is getting to be very annoying. Somehow, my name and information has gotten on a list that must be being sold from one scammer to the next. This crap has been going on for about 4 months now. I don't answer the cell phone calls anymore. They make threats and get abusive and claim that I have an outstanding pay day loan from a time when I didn't have a bank account, so how could I have gotten a payday loan when you need a bank account to get one. This gentleman's name (that he gave) was Jeff Hamilton. Once again a very heavy foreign accent and lots of noise in the background. I have signed up for the no call list but I don't think that this is going to help. On the cell phone, the voicemail picked up the incoming number as 210-886-1025.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Jeff Hamilton
Company: TS Notifications
Number: 210-852-2322