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CC in the South - 09-16-2013

Female with accent (India?) called my business line and stated she was with Global Marketing. She stated they are the ones who do maintenance for our "photo copy machine." She told (not asked) me to retrieve the serial number from the "photo copy machine" and she would hold while I went to retrieve it. Wanting to have a little fun with her, I asked her which photo copy machine's serial number in the office that she wanted. But, she stuck to her script. I asked her if she was sure to have called the correct number and she repeated my business's name. Hmmm, I have three printers and I do all the maintenance (replace them when the go down), so I told her that I would have to have the boss call her back. Before I could finish the sentence, she disconnected the call.

Scary thing is, she called a private investigator and the name of the business makes it very clear as to what type of profession I am in. The only reason I can think of as to why they are asking for serial numbers would be to somehow gain remote access to the machine. Nowadays, most printers have internal memory that is stored in the printer. So everything you print or copy is saved in the memory of the printer. They already know the business name and address, all they need is your "photo copy machine's" serial number to see if its a copier that saves information to the memory and if it can be remotely accessed either by being in the proximity of the machine or via the internet.

Hopefully the receptionist at a large company (Blue Cross Blue Shield, Mayo, hospitals, CSX, etc. don't fall for this as they would be the ones with the type of equipment that would have sensitive information stored on their copiers.

What's next????

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Jenny
Company: Global Marketing
Number: 310-879-3321