Takes one to know one. Dr. Jason confirmed & mentioned PH problem and faul odor in between your legs, not to mention your police fbuddy. Reality check -you caused the end of your marriage by sleepin around with multiple partners. Dogface? Have u looked in the mirror at all this year? Try a slim fast in place of a Big Mac. God & I have a solid relationship so I am praying you find inner peace & forgiveness. You are a very mentally disturbed & nasty negative person with control issues. KARMA Thank You!
Takes one to know one. Dr. Jason confirmed & mentioned PH problem and faul odor in between your legs, not to mention your police fbuddy. Reality check -you caused the end of your marriage by sleepin around with multiple partners. Dogface? Have u looked in the mirror at all this year? Try a slim fast in place of a Big Mac. God & I have a solid relationship so I am praying you find inner peace & forgiveness. You are a very mentally disturbed & nasty negative person with control issues. KARMA Thank You!
Caller: Jonbeth Atib
Company: Travel Leaders