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Danielle - 12-08-2014

My mom called and said Julie smith left a voice mail for me stating I need to call back immediately and not to ignore. I called about 5 times, the first 4 times it would just ring and then disconnect. Once I spoke to someone he told me my taxes have been filed wrong the past 6 yrs and I owe money and I need an attorney. When I asked what he was talking about he told me there was an investigation. When I told him I didn't know what he was speaking of and this was the first time I was hearing about this he read me some general, nothing specific to me, blurb about my taxes being filed improperly and I will be arrested and a black mark will be placed on my social and I wouldn't be able to open bank accts etc. It could be very convincing if you don't know any better. I could hear multiple people in the back ground saying, what seemed to be, the same thing. I told him that I would have legal at my job call and look into it. That's when I knew it was a scam. He told me it was unnecessary and I owe money, Instead of saying ok or giving me contact info. He told me I owe $6,000 and after court and everything it'll be $15,000. It was just a combination of the background, his accent and inconsistencies that let me know it was a scam. I didn't give him any info

Caller: Julie Smith
Company: IRS