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Melissa Randall - 12-14-2010

Ms. King called and told me that she was from the law offices of Carolyn Cox and said that I was going to be arrested for theft. She asked me if I have ever been arrested before. I asked her where she was calling from, and all she said was the "fraud department". After going around in circles with me telling her that I would gladly pay my bill, and her telling me that it is not a bill, she said that in 30 minutes I would be arrested at my place of business (and gave me the address). I told her that the consumer attorney that I have spoken with let me know that I cannot in fact be arrested. She said, "Well, when the cops show up in 30 minutes to arrest you I guess I'll show you more than I can tell you." Then she hung up.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Laverne King
Company: Did not give
Number: 904-379-1433