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Lexis - 12-15-2014

I have been checking my voice mails for the past month to hear a voicemail from a woman ( the same woman) telling me to call a number back because I am being served. When I called the number he first time I spoke with a guy who said I was being served for a payday loan I got in 2012. He requested that I pay $978.70 on that day to avoid any other fees I may incur in court. I told him that I did not know what he was talking about and proceeded to give me the number of a solocitor to confirm. Called the solicitor and was told I was being sued. But the guy on the phone sounded out of breath and too upbeat for this call. He talked way to faSt, I had to make him repeat what he said at least 3 x. That was before Thanksgiving. Last week I received another v mail sayin how someone came to my house but no one was home to get the papers. So I called the number again, to get hung up on 3 x because I did not have a case number. What legal depart mentioned hangs up on people without asking for at least your name or any other info. So after calling back and getting some one, who claimed to work at the corporate office, went by John, and told him that this can't be my loan because everything was caught up. I asked him why they keep calling me and was told because they bought the debt and I needed to pay. I kept asking why am I paying a legal department and not a collection agency, and what is the name if your company. He proceeds to tell me that it is LDA Group which stands for lewdon (??) Dunawits and associates. But he would NOT SPELL IT FOR ME. As a cautious person I want to know the name of the company in order to make sure that they are lagit. He refused everytime. Not to mention he would not let me talk, was rude and very unprod
fessional. Today Iwas returning yet another v mail call, to get hung up on again on the first attempt. I called back and requested to know that name of the company, a guy named Marcus told me he was the manager of the firm and it is LDA Group no abreviation for anything. How can you go from being an abbreviated company to just a 3 letter co. This is definitely a scam and fraud. They are trying to get money out of you hough legal extremities. I even called my local solicitors office and they have nothing on me. SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Alex Galeano
Company: LDA Group
Number: 844-515-8189