Harassing phone calls coming from this number. Trying to get you to get a loan but saying you must have a certain amount in your bank account. That makes no sense! Ignore this number and do not, I REPEAT, DO NOT give out your personal information. I did not and you shouldn't either. They are looking for naive, vulnerable and uneducated individuals to be victims of these calls. Shame on these assholes!
Harassing phone calls coming from this number. Trying to get you to get a loan but saying you must have a certain amount in your bank account. That makes no sense! Ignore this number and do not, I REPEAT, DO NOT give out your personal information. I did not and you shouldn't either. They are looking for naive, vulnerable and uneducated individuals to be victims of these calls. Shame on these assholes!
Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Male with Indian Accent
Company: Loan Scammers
Number: 386-868-1054