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Original Comment

Told You - 09-29-2013

Mike Ingram exhibits almost sociopathic behavior, using women & other people without any compassion or empathy for those he hurts. He uses two different phones: 1 that so many people have reported & another that he gives to women he meets on Plenty of Fish. Ladies Beware because he is good at what he does as he has many years practice. He will take what he wants from you, including your money if you allow it & throw you to the curb when finished. He is a predator, hurting women, his customers, friends, and his family. He is not capable of honesty & will lie so much that he gets confused, forgetting what he has told you. He is an old man trying to hold onto his youth by seducing women, making them promises, & then dumping them unable to ever face them & tell them the truth. He is broke & especially preys on women with money. Do your homework. Watch his behavior & PLEASE use protection if you decide to have intimate relations with him. He is disgusting, ignorant & worthless & not worth your time. Just go read all of the things about him on the Internet. Not to mention the illegal activities he engages in. This man is TOXIC. Please be careful whether in a relationship, friendship or business deal. You will get hurt when dealing with this wanna be Cowboy Casanova. Search Mike Ingram & see what comes up. He also has another number, maybe more & a profile on Plenty of Fish, free dating site.

Caller type: Sociopath
Caller: Michael Ingram Michael William Ingram William Michael Ingram
Number: 706-708-6104