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Original Comment

Angela Hart - 06-22-2013

This is an identity theft scam. They first call you from an unknown number. After the 3rd call, I told them I had them traced and this was a scam. I supposedly won a $7000 grant through the US Government Grants Dept and only 1500 people in NY were selected. They want you to call another number. I think when you do, something gets installed on your phone line. I reported this to the FTC and my phone company. I told them to watch for bogus charges and any international phone calling from my line. Once I told them I had their phone number traced, they called right back from this number you posted. It rang, connected then said GOOD BYE. When I researched the number they told me to call, it came back that when you get through you need to pay $300 via Western Union. You supposedly get that fee back when you get the grant money. I told them, "Is that before or after you try to close my bank account?" They try to hide behind the secrecy. I had asked for an address to claim the monies. They won't give me one. When I called 202-407-9093, the number rang twice then rang busy. When I called this number back, which registered under Michigan Gas as the name on my caller ID, at 12:04 EST on 6/22/13, I got a voicemail with Brittany's name and the box was full. When these scams go down, they use other people's phone numbers or names to try to hide behind. In this case the number was exposed giving the Feds their ammunition. What makes this guy think that with his heavy Indian accent, I would believe his crock of crapt.

I told them they didn't know who they were dealing with. I only started and arrested a ring of hackers which resulted in the largest identity theft case in US history! The book entitled, Through Angela's Eye the Inside Story of Operation Firewall chronicles my escapades. My computer, phone, bank accounts and identity are heavily watched. They will not get to me but I will get them. You don't mess with me.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Brittany on voicemail
Company: Michigan Gas on caller id
Number: 410-999-1325