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Original Comment

Naa - 04-18-2016

This is midland debt collectors, they will call for multiple different credit cards or accounts that you have been sent collections on, for me it is for a best buy credit card that was stolen from me years back and that balance apparently remained on there so best buy credit card (and most other credit card companies for that matter) basically sell the unpaid balances to these debt collection companies for pennies on the dollar (literally) and then they do this constant calling to try to collect on that debt. Either way by the time it gets to them, it means you've already been reported to collection agencies and to the credit companies and by this time it's too late. Although they will take you to court for just even 900, so then you're forced to settle with something. But it will be noted as "paid, but for less than amount owed"

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: Midland debtcredit collection
Number: 888-405-9988