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HeshimaDetective - 06-13-2015

This is not the first time I got a call from this company. He claimed he was calling about a security breach on my Mac computer. He asked me if I was in front of my computer. I continued to ask him if he was calling from Apple. If he was a certified Mac Apple employee? He said, "Yes". I knew he was lying. I could hear other agents in the background a bullpen of calls and I knew this was a lie. I would have received so many emails from Apple before a call and all was well with all of my Apple products I had been using all day. I remembered an old trick to ask for a call back number to call the company back if you don't feel comfortable. When I asked him for a number to call him right back, His reply was, "Go fuck yourself!" - Hence, a scam. Stay woke people.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Misrad
Company: He said Apple
Number: 831-856-7456