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Mendy - 02-24-2011

Yes they state that they are the FBI Fraud Investigations and if you don't pay them! They will get very unprofessional and get mad that you don't give them you debt card or credit card or checking account. They are a scam and say you owe a old payday loan or might not exist in my case. The company will threaten you and say there are coming to your house to arrest you," if you don't pay now"! And then state they are taking legal action against you, they will even give a bogus acct number that says it is filed in state you live at or by your states case numbers. They will even tell you broke the USA FDIC penal code(lie!!) the penal codes are usually three or more you might have broken(don't fall for the scam) and then it gets better: they will read your address and last four digits of your social. Well I did call the FBI and they inform me and, said call your local police department and tell the caller the number to your local FBI agent, or your local police Department. Do not pay them anything!! They are from a 3rd world country and want your info to fraud you. If they threaten be strong and don't let them tactic you in to paying. There collections tactics is illegal and unprofessional. The US does not allow these collection methods, do to our rights and laws. Be careful they will say there are agent office (what ever American name the make up)!! MR SMITH is one name,they use. Thought I would let you know. Run from the calls if you can't take the heat! And be careful they will call family members and tell them you are going to jail and they to contact you to keep you at of Jail.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: MR Smith
Company: FBI US Crime Officer
Number: 214-506-7187