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Mary - 09-23-2010

I received a call on September 22 around 11 am. I was unable to get to the phone in time so the answering machine took the message. The message was from a Mr Yardley who first gave the date he called. He stated that it was imperative that I call him back. A file had reached his desk, and probably you are unaware of it. He had his associate call several times and leave a message on the machine, however no reply came. I was to call him by 6 pm that evening. If I did not call the file would be acessed.

I called out of curosity and am glad that I did. I was told that Mr Yardley was away from his desk and that the person, male, could help me. I then told him that I was returning the call, he then asked if I were-------------. I stated yes, and he said the call was pertaining to an inactive account at Hungington Bank. I asked if this was a joke, reply was no ma'am. You know what account I'm talking about and the bank has the right to close any inactive account. I then asked whom he worked for, and sort of muffled he stated either Regent Assess or Regent Asset North America. He then asked if my last four digits of my Social Security was ________. I stated no. (they were close, but not quite.) He quickly stated then I have the wrong Mary________ and hung up. What gripes me is that they knew that I had a bank account at Huntington, my name, phone number, and almost my Security no. I believe that they were either phsing for information, to clear out the account, or for idenity theft. The phone number can't be traced by some, and some who have located the phone number want you to pay a fee. I don't believe that a fee should be charged for finding out who is trying to rip people off.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Mr Yardley
Company: Regent Asset North America
Number: 877-591-7732