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Original Comment

WJ Spicerman - 04-13-2016

Another wog or Paki from Bangladesh posing as an American company and telephone number. This is a new wog a perfect sociopath dialing over and over and over. I have no debt and this and several other credit bureau sociopaths keep dialing me with special debt reduction deals. These people can't get regular steady jobs so they do fill-in sociopathic work for credit debt collectors. The upshot is I don't have any bad debt. The person who had this number before me obviously did. So I get the fallout and harassment.

(seems fair if you're a debt collector sociopath no doubt)

Why my cellphone provider didn't scrub this number clean and sanitize it before reassigning it to me seems shoddy on their part. I asked to have my ole number ported and they dropped the ball on that too. Thank you Sprint - you're just as guilty as the bad debt collector sociopaths.

I'm sending letter to the BBB, the federal government's FCC and Fair Trade Commission, and the freakin' White House. Everyone getting such phone harassment nonsense should do the same; maybe it will stop across the board if everyone did.

Caller: probably Rohit or Achmed
Company: none given robo-dialed call
Number: 707-706-2263