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cheri owens - 04-24-2014

This guy called me about a month or two ago, and he said that he was going to send a Police Officer to my house to give me $400. He said that he worked for the IRS, and it was a refund. I told him that I was an actual Police Officer and he was in a world of trouble. He started crying and apologizing. He kept crying "I'm so sorry and I won't do it again!" Then, the other day, I got a voice to text message on my cell phone. He said that his name was "Officer Jason Miller" and if I didn't have my attorney contact him immediately, bad things would happen for me. I called him back at 703-594-5004. He answered the call "IRS". I asked for Officer Jason Miller, and he told me that Officer Miller had passed away. I told him that I was going to report this, and he hung up on me! Why doesn't someone shut him down?!? If the Fraud Section of the Police Department in Virginia go to the address for this land line phone, whoever is using the phone should be arrested. And with all of the complaints made on so many different websites, a Judge should be able to issue arrest warrants for everyone in that office. What's the hold up?!? Maybe we should all just go to the address for this number, and take care of this ourselves!

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Officer Jason Miller
Company: IRS
Number: 703-594-5004