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Joeys cousin little belch - 11-05-2013

I am your no class 100% scamming psychic who will do anything for a dollar. I have zero, zilch, absolutely NO morals and I want all that you have without having to work 9 to 5... I operate in Dallas, Texas and would really love to travel now and get rid of the stinking, lazy no good man boy that I am unfortunately married to. Oh, by the way, I have taught my kids how to scam you folks over the phone. Hi, I'm DEA and you have committed a no-no or I can lower your APR or how would you love a $7,000 dollar gov't loan if you just send me $99 to get this loan started. Very easy people to scam you as most of you are just too greedy to see the light and your common sense flies out the window.

Caller: Jay osterzing
Company: Psychic business