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Original Comment

Pam - 03-25-2014

LOL yeah I got a call from them today, March 25. Left me a voicemail at home, and at my office. Call back # 678-264-2353. Same ridiculous spiel about Texas Penal Code & felony check fraud, and how they'll file with the county in a few hours citing "negligence" unless I call them back. I don't owe any debts at all except for maybe 2 old payday loans I never repaid during a really bad time in my life a few years ago. Assuming this is for an old payday loan, in which case bad check law is completely inapplicable. So, LOL on them. Please note that you cannot go to jail or be charged with a felony for unpaid debt. We don't have debtor's prisons anymore! This is nothing more than a scam, some bottom-feeding collections agency that has purchased an old debt and is trying to scare you into paying. I will say that, to their credit, the collections agent who called me actually did speak clear & proper English, unlike most.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Samantha although probably fake
Company: Pinnacle Asset Management
Number: 678-264-2353