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susie - 06-18-2014

I rec'd a call from them. They claimed to be the IRS & they claimed that I didn't file my 2005 taxes. I save EVERYTHING, so I know that I did. They claimed haven't answered any of their letters - so, now they needed my Lawyer's contact info to send forms (that were too complicated for me to fill out) to start court proceedings. I don't have a Lawyer, so that didn't work. They claimed that I didn't answer their emails, either - so, now they have "no other choice". I told them, that I didn't get any emails from them - & - asked what email they sent it to. They told me a "bogus" email - that didn't even resemble mine - & - claimed "that's what you gave us". I told them that I've never talked to them before - so, I knew that wasn't true. They claimed that the Sheriff's Dept would be calling me, in the morning, to find out where to serve the summons. Of course, I knew that was bogus - to "serve papers" - they just "show up"...&...they don't need to "call" to find out your address.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Foreigner couldnt understand well
Company: SCAM IRS
Number: 747-200-9719