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Some Sand-Monkey > New Comment

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Joe Public - 01-23-2015

These assholes called me - said that because I was a 'walued customer' and that I 'had never missed a payment' and had 'no bankruptcies' that I had just qualified for a 4% reduction to my credit card rate.

I let this sand-monkey finish his scamming pitch (which is designed to get you to provide them with your credit card number and date of birth so that they can a) commit identity theft and run up debt in your name; and b) max-out your credit card. He asked me for my date of birth and I said that I'd give it to him once he provided me with the last 4 digits of my credit card (which he obviously didn't have).

I then told this brown-enameled bastard that if he called me again, that I'd come down to whatever mud hut he lived in, rip off his fucking head, and shit down his neck.

(he called back 20 times - but in doing so, he totally fucked up his calling stats!) ROFLMFAO

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Some Sand-Monkey
Company: Thick East Indian Accent Credit Card Services
Number: 526-589-6514