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Some sweepstakes > New Comment

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Mike - 03-28-2014

A live gal was on the phone and wondered if I wanted to get this free entry for a $25,000 sweepstakes. I said sure, so she transferred me to some automated crap where they asked "have you or a loved one had a vaginal mesh implant" or something like that plus about 25 other questions. Total waste of time. One of the offers sounded good-it was just simply "do you want a free $100 e-gift card?" I pressed 1 for yes and they transferred me to some offer. Total shit, don't waste your time. If you do, just keep pressing 2 for "no" and be entered into their sweepstakes which I'm sure is real credible as well.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Some sweepstakes
Number: 701-575-0318