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GotOneToo - 11-19-2009

This *IS* a SCAM. I got a call from 814-234-7699 stating that I had "underpaid" on my BofA M/C by a mere $9, and if I just give them my Check'g Acct#, I would avoid the $39 penalty. I told him that I never give out personal info to people who call me. He was inistent, but I refused. Later I checked my records and found that my BofA VISA did not end in the same numbers he gave me, and I was not late or underpaid at all.
**NEVER** give your SSN or any Acct# to someone who calls YOU! Identity theft can cost a LOT more than a late fee!

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Travis
Company: State College PA
Number: 814-234-7699