If you have ever taken out a payday loan online and were scammed, this is who it is I do believe. For one thing, who actually warns you when a subpena is going to be issued. If they were legitimate they would have done it. I'll bet you when you received that call "Out of Area" came up, right ? I had to close my bank account about 2 years ago because I borrowed $500.00 and they had taken out over $3,600.00 and would not stop. When I offered to pay the account off if I were given an address to send the money order to, they said they did not have a physical address and could not take payment that way. I told them that they must be crazy if they thought that I was going to give them my new account information. The calls are made from burn phones illegally so that the caller cannot be traced and they will not answer the phone when it rings if a number is displayed when they call. My original online payday loan was made through these 3 companies: Cardinal Mgt, The Vandilear Group and I cannot remember the other one. Did they say they were from the "County" and had a criminal and civil suit. I hope this helps. I still don't know how to stop them from calling since they are a pretty well organized scam ring.
If you have ever taken out a payday loan online and were scammed, this is who it is I do believe. For one thing, who actually warns you when a subpena is going to be issued. If they were legitimate they would have done it. I'll bet you when you received that call "Out of Area" came up, right ? I had to close my bank account about 2 years ago because I borrowed $500.00 and they had taken out over $3,600.00 and would not stop. When I offered to pay the account off if I were given an address to send the money order to, they said they did not have a physical address and could not take payment that way. I told them that they must be crazy if they thought that I was going to give them my new account information. The calls are made from burn phones illegally so that the caller cannot be traced and they will not answer the phone when it rings if a number is displayed when they call. My original online payday loan was made through these 3 companies: Cardinal Mgt, The Vandilear Group and I cannot remember the other one. Did they say they were from the "County" and had a criminal and civil suit. I hope this helps. I still don't know how to stop them from calling since they are a pretty well organized scam ring.
Caller: R Flynn
Company: Thompson Law Firm