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Lori - 03-26-2015

Two calls came in from this number at 12:46 and the morning, middle of the night, whatever you want to call it!! Caller ID only says OUT OF AREA with the number 1-347-918-5906. When I answered, a woman's voice on the other end hesitantly asked for my husband by his first name. When I answered that he's not available right now, she said she would call back later. I asked do you know that it's almost 1:00 AM, she said uh and hung up. I can't call the number back because I don't have long distance on the landline phone she called. I won't call back with my cell phone that has long distance because I don't want whomever it is to capture my cell phone number. Good luck everyone!

Caller type: Other
Caller: Unknown female
Number: 347-918-5906