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Rocki - 03-09-2015

Received a call from this number this morning. Said I won $750,000.00 however after taxes etc. I would receive $519,315.00. Then said they had sent me two notifications last year in reference to this award. Asked if I remembered receiving? I said no. Because I didn't respond to the notifications. They have to verify I am who they are looking for. Duhhh you have my name, address, phone# what more do u need?? They mentioned Brinks would be delivering my check along with certain documents so I could receive my check. Ok at this point I am waiting for the CATCH!!! And here it is!! I have to provide them with a certified cashiers check of $1,000.00 to receive my winnings. I started laughing and told the rep Jon West do you think you are talking to a stupid broad!!! Why do I have to pay $1000.00 to get my money!!! This is a scam!! Of course Jon got upset because I wasn't buying into his speech. WE had a few choice words to each other. Then he said remember I told you can give up your winnings if you want to. That's right I don't want what isn't there!!! Goodbye!

Caller: U.S. Federal Claims

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Jon West
Company: US Federal Claims
Number: 202-558-4543