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Original Comment

Irving Forbush - 04-19-2010

Man did I have fun with this one. Got a call from Mr. Jack. He said that I qualified for a on-time $7000 dollar federal grant. He gave me a phone number to call and a security number. I called John Spencer (East Indian accent) and he gave me the name of the Western Union in Fresno where I could pick up my "$7000" dollar grant. I just needed to do a security deposit of $199.90. I told him that I was broke and could I take my $7000 dollars and sent the $199.90 out of that. I told him that Im a nice guy, everyone likes me and I have lots of I.D. Of course he said "no". I told them if they send me the $7000, that I would send them back $1000 and they could use it for charity in Haiti. I told him that Mr. Jack told me that it was okay. I kept him on the line for a long time just stringing him along. Its all a scam to bilk someone out of $199 dollars. How anyone could fall for this is beyond me. I had fun stringing these morons along.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Mr Jack
Company: US TreasuryFederal Government
Number: 323-617-5965