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anonymous - 03-06-2014

THIS IS A SCAM! This guy Vincent Guarino called and left a message on my cell phone on 2.27.14 stating that he was calling in regard to a complaint made in Prince Georges County, MD against my sister and she had used my name and number as a reference. I called back a week later on 3.6.14. My experience with Vincent was exactly like the one described above by the previous person. He tried to fast talk me and over talked me when I would ask questions. He said that my sister owed $1,510 as a result of several pay day loans she had taken out. He claimed that she closed her bank account after 2 payments to a pay-day loan company, MMG Holdings (aka Bahama Marketing Group). I told him I need to consult w/ my brother first and he also had my brother's info. He pressured me by saying that he's going to court in 30min so I would need to call him back before then so that he could report back to the court that this was being resolved. Which how coincidental in that it was a week since he had called me and the day I call back he just happens to be going to court in a matter of minutes. I asked how he had acquired our personal info and he said through public records search (which anyone can do). He continued to pressure me into trying to arrange payment and said that he needed to know before he headed off to court in 30min. I refused and explained that I needed to speak to my brother. I called my brother and my sister and we conferenced called Vincent. Yes, my sister did in fact take out a payday loan in April 2012 but she had paid it back in full. It turns out that Vincent and this company STR Group prey on people who have taken pay-day loans. They try to use fear of prosecution as a method to extort money that is NOT owed. He tried to say that my sister would be facing criminal charges if money wasn't paid. Prior to all 3 of us getting on the phone, when it was just him and I initially talking, he said he would work something out w/ me and if I could secure funds via debit or credit card by mid-night today (3.6.14) then he would reduce the amount owed to $1,200 but once all 3 of us were on the phone and we kept poking holes in his story, he eventually got frustrated and hung up the phone. DO NOT MAKE ANY PAYMENTS TO THIS FRAUDULENT COMPANY NO MATTER WHAT THEY THREATEN YOU WITH!

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Vincent Guarino
Company: STR Group
Number: 214-865-7083