I was selling a boat on craigslist. He texts that he wants to buy the boat, but he says he lives in Panama City, FL and wants to buy it via Paypal. I request his name and email address. He texts back his name is Will Rick, and email willrick.1@gmail.com
I look his email up online and see that he has tried to buy on Craigslist before using Paypal and it was a scam. Did not send him any further information.
I was selling a boat on craigslist. He texts that he wants to buy the boat, but he says he lives in Panama City, FL and wants to buy it via Paypal. I request his name and email address. He texts back his name is Will Rick, and email willrick.1@gmail.com
I look his email up online and see that he has tried to buy on Craigslist before using Paypal and it was a scam. Did not send him any further information.
Caller: Will Rick