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Central Office: UNION CITY, NJ - XO NEW JERSEY, INC. [?]

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nogard0 - 03-29-2013

called, left no mesaage.
they are going to get SIT TONES and message number dialed is not in service in future ...
they get my very painful arthritic roomate to answer phone .

if UNKNOWN NAME doesn't leave a message chances are great it is a scam.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Number: 201-537-5741


nogard0 - 03-29-2013

called, left no mesaage.
they are going to get SIT TONES and message number dialed is not in service in future ...
they get my very painful arthritic roomate to answer phone .

Caller type: Collection Agency
Number: 201-537-5741


nogard0 - 03-27-2013

got my very arthritic roommate out of bed. for person that hasnt lived here for a long time and was 4 roommates ago.. he told them person doesnt live here anymore..

Caller type: Collection Agency
Number: 201-537-5741


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