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JS - 11-24-2014

Got the same call today:
Call come from 935-560-3651

"We have been trying to reach you.This call is the final notice from IRS Internal Revenue Services. The reason of this call is to inform you that IRS is filing Law Suit against you. To get more information about the case file please call immiediately on our department number 210-418-4580 I repeat 210-418-4580. Thank you" When my wife called back a lady answered with east Asian accent "IRS Audit devision".

reported to FTC see:

See directions from IRS at

Caller type: Scammer
Company: IRS
Number: 210-418-4580


stashu - 11-21-2014

Automated call from 1-710-201-6266
IRS is going to file a lawsuit against you.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: IRS
Number: 210-418-4580


L - 11-21-2014

They do not leave a name - it is an automated voice mail from 936-563-3691 asking you to call as IRS is going to file a lawsuit against you. IRS does not call you. They only write to you. This is a scam. I hope no one gives them access to a credit card or bank account. They will clean you out

Company: IRS
Number: 210-418-4580


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