FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


Central Office: NWYRCYZN02, NY - VERIZON NEW YORK, INC. [?]

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as - 09-30-2014

selling life lineā€¦calls repeatedly..can't task to a supervisor and refuses or fails to take name off call list.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: 143
Company: Senior Care Specialties
Number: 212-662-9124


pokey - 09-25-2014

sounded like an indian name

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: just new york
Company: med call
Number: 212-662-9124


sikofit - 09-24-2014

Calls but I do not answer. I know of no one in NY!!

Caller type: Other
Caller: Isein M
Number: 212-662-9124


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