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Central Office: LSAN DA 01, CA - DIGITCOM SERVICES, INC. [?]

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Jason - 09-13-2012

An automated message states that “laws have recently changed” to protect consumers and more information can be given by dialing 1. My original intent was to get taken off the list.
When a man answered I asked, “How have the laws changed?”
The man said “Who do you work for? Are you some Obama paper pusher?”
I asked, “What?”
He then said something like, “Obama didn’t get you what you wanted, huh?”
I retorted, “What are you talking about? You called me.”
He hung up the phone.

Can anyone explain what goal this cold-call telemarketing could possibly meet? Why is someone paying a person to rant this way on total strangers and disconnect the call?

Number: 213-504-5370


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