Central Office: WALDORF, MD - XO MARYLAND, LLC [?]
Don't pick up this number.
This is the script, which is recited in a robotic voice:
"Serious emergency and time sensitive we are calling you from investigation team of I.R.S. We have just received a notification regarding your tax filings from the headquarters which will get expired in the next 24 working hours and once it get expired after that you will be taken under custody by the local police as there are 4 serious allegations pressed on your name at this moment we would request you to get back to us so that we can discuss about this case before taking any legal action against you the number to reach us has 240-427-5012 I repeat 240-427-5012 thank you."
I've been looking for a way to make clear the robocaller's intent, whether or not there is a need for concern on the part of the person answering (it is most likely a scam, if you're wondering,) however I have yet to really confirm this. Just because it is a maryland number, etc., doesn't mean much. Luck to you.
Number: 240-427-5012
ラグジュアリーなブランドコピー商品が発売こちらは有名かつラグジュアリーなシャネル、ルイヴィトンやエルメスなどのブランドコピー商品をご紹介いたします。新作は大量入荷して、情報満載です。書類もいっぱいあるし、今は色々な割引活動を開催中ですし、超低価格で、品質最高な逸品を購入できます。人気ブランドの最高商品コピーこちらはファッションな先端に立ったエルメス、グッチやルイヴィトンなどのブランドの商品コピーを発売します。品質が完璧ですし、書類が豊富なので、いつも好評を博しています。価格も思った以上やすくて、購入へようこそ。 }}}}}}
Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: copy2021seK
Company: apple
Number: 240-427-5012