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King Twat Fatso - 10-01-2014

"reward redemption"? The ONLY Redemption I'm aware of involves a long drawn-out bloody and painful death, usually with participants Ving Rhames, Bruce Willis, and some masked gay guy called "The Gimp", who was most likely John Hurt or Gary Oldman or some other weirdo actor....

All Reality aside... I did recently speak to someone from Michigan on the phone about a yob, some headhunter from a recruiting outfit... and that is when I began receiving half-assed calls from this 248-329-1996 number. I was on a bus headed to The CamelToe INdian Cashino and the cellphone rang half a ring just like some of you reported... the scammers did NOT leave a voicemail, so they just wasted their own Time/Effort/Money/Emotion trying to get me to answer.

I figger the call was just some Beavis-n-ButtHead skill-less clumsy retard working at a Call Center , new to the yob, trying to make his daily quota of cold calls but not knowing to stay on the phone call long enough to speak to a humanoid on the other end.

...and I'M the guy without a yob...

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Hameed The Hairy AssHole
Company: Clueless Skill-less Waster of Time Money Incorporated
Number: 248-329-1996


AHH - 09-29-2014

Called me in Seattle and when I answer I hear nothing.

Number: 248-329-1996


EABrazee - 09-29-2014

248 329 1996 called me twice in a 40 minute span. Did not leave message but from other comments on this and other websites, it is likely a scam. I am on the national do not call registry.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 248-329-1996


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