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Jane - 05-01-2014

I received a call from this number with almost the exact same message - except said he was John
Cary. Delivery of documents that required my signature - would be at my home between noon and 2 tomorrow and have a valid ID ready. If needing to reschedule, cancel delivery or order call (855) 580-6008 (PNR Associates).

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: John Cary
Company: Sunderhead
Number: 281-377-5921


Ray - 04-28-2014

I am quoting a message I received.
"Hi, My name is Christopher Banks (281-377-5921, Texas number). I am a private courier out of Alameda County (He pronounced Alameda wrong). Give me a call in regards to sealed documentation that requires your signature. You will need to make yourself available tomorrow between noon and 3 pm with 2 valid forms of ID and as well as a witness present to sign off on the documentation. I am assuming you will be at work at this time, so I will be stopping by there first. If you aren't there I will be speaking with a supervisor to tell me a good time you (emphasis on the you) will be there. Then I will be heading out to your home. If you aren't there i will be heading out to a family members house to cover all boundaries and see if any of them can help. if you must reschedule or reverse my appearance to these places you must call 855-580-6008 (PnR Associates). If I fail to locate you for any reason I'm gonna have to mark these down as a direct refusal to comply which may ultimately result as a failed appearance as well as final and further actions. Other than that though make yourself available and I shall see you soon."

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Christopher Banks
Number: 281-377-5921


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