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John Doe - 02-13-2015

Called the number left in the voicemail, and a man who sounded to be African American answered. I asked him who he was, and he disconnected the phone. I called back and asked the same question, and he disconnected me again. The third time I called, the call was sent to voicemail. I guess they don't want you to call them back after all...

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Samantha Recording
Company: NAM LLC
Number: 302-715-1089


John Doe - 02-12-2015

This number has called my cellular phone once per day, for the past two days. I refused to answer all calls from this number. The caller ID shows that the number is from Delaware.

A voicemail was left each time. The call is of a recording spoken by a human female voice, except for my first and last name which is a computer robot voice.

The message in its entirety is as follows:

"Hello. My name is Samantha, from NAM, LLC. This message is solely intended for [MY NAME].
Our office has received some important information concerning and attached to your name and social security number.
This matter is time sensitive and must be relayed to immediately.
We suggest that you contact our claims office right away so that we can explain in detail the purposes of this important matter.
Your failure to reach us may result in this issue being forwarded for further action.
Contact us directly at 1-786-708-4125".

I have no outstanding debt. I have not spoken directly to a representative of this company, so I can not provide any additional information for this report. I refuse to accept any calls from this company going forward.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Samantha Recording
Company: NAM LLC
Number: 302-715-1089


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