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Central Office: PERRINE, FL - MCIMETRO, ATS, INC. [?]

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Lawrence Reynolds - 04-24-2012

Recieved 2 calls on my cell phone, plus 1 at my work phone from this scammer. The person identified himself as "Officer Jack Wilson" from the cyber crimes division, saying that he needed me to provide my personal information (such as SSN, address, bank account info) as I was under investigation for cyber-fraud, and if I didn't cooperate he would send "a bunch of cops" to have me arrested at work. The individual had a very heavy Indian accent. He insisted that I either cooperate or provide my lawyer's contact information. I told him to come and arrest me because I wasn't going to give him any information, and if he wanted to contact me, then he had better do it through certified mail. Needless to say, no "bunch of cops" showed up.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Officer Jack Wilson
Number: 305-506-8846


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