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Central Office: KEYS, FL - XO FLORIDA, INC. [?]

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George - 06-18-2013

she said my wife had purchased a product 2 years ago over the phone and agreed to keep purchasing that product for 3 more months. She said my wife didn't show up to court and she was being sued for 4,000 dollars for breaking the agreement. My wife does not remember agreeing to anything like that and never received any letter or products. Caller said she could avoid going to court by receiving an additional product and paying a total of $400.00. My wife asked her to provide evidence for the agreement and she said never mind and my wife was going to court. My wife asked to confirm our address and she mentioned a different one. Sound like fraud to me. DO NOT PROVIDE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION TO THIS PERSON CALLING FROM THIS NUMBER.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Number: 305-735-3639


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