FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


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gigi - 05-04-2015

I received a text from this number that said they heard that I should not fight it, if I like it that i should text them. But of course I didn't considering I don't know who or why I got the text. And I looked up the number and it says its a landline number so how did I get a text from it? It has to be some type of a scam.

Number: 312-614-2739


joe - 05-03-2015

I received a very lewd and disturbing comment on my cell phone with the number 312-614-2739 that came through to my phone as number 6245.

Caller type: Other
Number: 312-614-2739


whomever - 05-02-2015

got a text from this number that was very disturbing

Caller type: Other
Number: 312-614-2739


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