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Connie Ross - 03-24-2009

My mother received a call from these people asking for me and stating that it was a legal matter.I called them back and couldn't understand the person very well, but he did not answer the phone by stating what the company was, just hello and I asked what the company was and he stated it was a lawyers office. He started to tell me that I owed a company named Elanders 350.00 and if I didn't retain and lawyer and have them call back that legal proceedings would be taken by 1130 this evening. He asked me personal questions about my address, which was an old one, bank account number, which was not mine, correct email address and used my father as a reference. He also said my wrong birthday, but recited my drivers license number. Not once did he or his supervisor, who I asked to talk to since I couldn't understand him, state the blurb :This is n attempt to collect a debt, etc. etc. This is really kind of scary to me since his "supervisor" ended up hanging up on me.

Caller type: Other
Company: Calling for Elanders
Number: 347-404-5046


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