Posted on Craigslist the sale of my motorcycle. Stated he wanted to buy my bike. Said he sent to Paypal the money. And as part of deal he wanted me to pay the courier to pick up the bike. Talled about having to follow emails from paypal in order for them to post the money on my paypal account.
Also wanted me to help with sending through western union to set up pickup time for courier after sending $900 through western union.
Used two different numbers to text my cell. Sad to use foto of soldier, if real and impersonate U. S. Military member.
Posted on Craigslist the sale of my motorcycle. Stated he wanted to buy my bike. Said he sent to Paypal the money. And as part of deal he wanted me to pay the courier to pick up the bike. Talled about having to follow emails from paypal in order for them to post the money on my paypal account.
Also wanted me to help with sending through western union to set up pickup time for courier after sending $900 through western union.
Used two different numbers to text my cell. Sad to use foto of soldier, if real and impersonate U. S. Military member.
Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Robin F Hodge
Company: USAF
Number: 347-921-7034